信仰を捨てない; 約束を守るの英語
信仰を守る: observe one's faith
信仰を捨てる 1: 1. abandon one's faith 2. abjure one's religion 3. fall away from faith 4. forsake a [one's] faith 5. give renounce one's faith 6. give up one's faith 信仰を捨てる 2 【他動】 apostatize
古い信仰を捨てる: discard old beliefs
の約束を守る: keep one's promise with〔人と〕
約束を守る 1: 1. abide by a [one's] promise 2. abide by an agreement 3. be as good as one's word 4. be equal of one's word 5. be just to one's promise 6. follow the rules 7. fulfill a promise 8. fulfill an engage
祖先の信仰を守る: continue in the faith of one's fathers
会合の約束を守る: keep (one's) tryst
昔からの信仰を守る: cherish one's traditional religion
正統的な信仰を守る: preserve religious orthodoxy
捨てた〔信仰を〕: 【形】 lapsed
の約束を守らない: break trust with〔人と〕
約束を守らない: 1. be false to one's word 2. be unfaithful to one's word 3. fail to keep one's word
約束を守らない人: welcher / welsher
約束を守れない: fail to keep one's word
国民との約束を守る: keep faith with the public